Tuesday, July 11, 2006


I think it is finally happening...g falling asleep on her own. Yes, technically she has been sleeping through the night for more than a year. Yes technically we have also started sleep-training around her 7th month, but all our sleep training sort of went to pot. We have decided to go with the Weissbluth (cry-it-out) solution and it seemed to have worked a little. However my MIL seemed to think that it was too inhumane. She discovered that if she slept or laid down beside g, g fell asleep "on her own." That seemed to have gone well for months. The process was fairly simple. We started with a sleep routine of a bath, a few books, singing, rocking and finally we would laid her down into the crib. One of us would lay beside her, sometimes letting her hold a finger and she would eventually fall asleep. The whole process would take about 30-45 minutes.

I would gladly have proceeded with this, if it were not for the fact that she had started to lengthen her routine. From a typical 30 minute routine, it became an hour then an hour and a half. When we were inching to 2 hours, I had to put a stop to it. So we started again last week, putting her down in bed after the typical routine of bath, book and singing and letting her sleep alone without us in the room.

That first day was sad. She cried for about 15 minutes. A the days progress, the crying time seems to be getting less. For the last two days, she literally cried for less than a minute. I know it seems too early to call, but I think we are on the right track. Yes! Just in time for baby....

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