Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Rock and Roll

s did the roll herself today. This is the first legitimate roll since the previous times she did it, it always seems like she started sort of lopsided already. So here it is....enjoy.


Lazy Marathoner said...

Hmm...Is that rolling or just falling?

the author of this blog said...

Good point, lazy marathoner. She did an initial roll on our sofa which is a little lopsided. So I didn't give her credit for that. Our bed is flat and although I have only uploaded one video, she has done the roll multiple times. I would also intentionally put her in another position to see if she could still do it. She would always roll onto the same side despite the change in angle and position. That's how she earned her checkmark.

Thanks for keeping me honest.

jac said...

hmmm... s looks so cute. it seems a little later, she can crawl na and you cant catch her na..
everybody loved the video.
more video pls..

jac said...

hi achi...

Actually, Im sorry for not thinking of the availability of the oil. The components of efficascent oil is methyl salicylate 21g camphor 7.5g + menthol 6g + eucalyptos. If you can find something closest to those components, for sure it'll work. If the dosage that you find is too strong, you might as well add baby oil so it wont hurt s's skin.

the author of this blog said...

thanks, jac. I'll around for those oils or something like it.

I will work on getting more videos. I want to see more videos of the kids too. Maybe you can send me a video of the new office.