Wednesday, May 16, 2007

Too funny

I don't usually post 3rd party stuff but this is too funny.

The Landlord

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

To fear or not to fear

Over the weekend gathered around the table during the playdate, we got to talking about the death of K's cousin's little boy. An autopsy had determined that there was some fluid in the lung and pneumonia, but it was unclear what caused it all. I thought about little E that I spoke about a while back. I found pictures of her recently when I was organizing g's photos. Those pictures were taken in May 2 years ago.

It does not help that g has been nursing a cold for a week. It seems innocuous enough. Except for a constant runny nose, it doesn't seem to have slowed her down till today. Today she received Auntie K's package (thanks, Auntie K) and after an initial burst of activity and curiosity. She settled onto the Wiggles video and has been catatonic after that. She usually is while watching a video but even the hour after that. So I watched and wondered. I took her temperature, put my ear to her chest. I wondered.

It must have been a lot like this in E's house that night when they gently laid her down in bed. She was a little under the weather but nothing that would have caused alarm. They probably kissed her goodnight and tucked her in.

I know that there are too many things in life that are beyond my control, beyond my ability to stop. Though the tug to worry about these things are strong because it is just in my nature to worry. I must resist. It takes away from the moment of living when my preoccupation is in dying.

So I kissed her more tonight, held her just a little longer, sang her an extra song. (I drew the line on two stories though.) The length of life will never be known but the love in her life will always be.

Tuesday, May 08, 2007


We started s on solids this weekend, a few days shy of her 6 month mark. She is actually 6 months today (Happy Birthday, s!). She is loving the rice cereal which I had given her with much hesitation. g didn't particularly like rice cereal. We switched to real mush food within a day or 2 and threw out the rest of the box. I was not in the mood to spend money no matter how little on something that will be thrown away. Proving once again how different she is from her sister, s downed the rice cereal and on the second day, cried demanding for more.

We went to a playdate this past weekend and saw JW's baby girl. s was really only that age 4 months ago and yet it seems like it has been ages ago. I look at my digital frame and in my photo selection is one of her during a christmas party. She was only 2 months then. She looked like a shrimp. She is such a chunky monkey now.